Yesterday, being sore and tender revolved around my legs and my lower back. Today, its been in the left side of my head, chest, shoulders, upper back, and ARMPITS. I didn't know you could be sore in the armpits. Very strange.
Charlie dog has been very clingy today too. Maybe he can sense that my body is fighting and has been comforting me. He's barely left my side all day.
Here's a pic of both dogs in protection mode:
And Grandma sent flowers/a plant today:
Superman and I decided to post-pone wig shopping to later in the week, due to the early onset of the snow. Its going to be a busy week, with music festivals on Tuesday and Thursday. It will be an actual full work week for me. I haven't had one of those in awhile, due to all the doctors appointments and stuff.
This weekend was KMEA, the music educators conference. I'm sad that I wasn't there. Its something I look forward to going to every year and have a fantastic time going to clinics and catching up with other music teachers. Ever since I was in high school, I have attended EVERY YEAR except the year I was on tour and now home recovering from my first chemotherapy treatment. Life is lifey. That's all I can say to that, I guess.
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