The internet is plastered with appreciation for teachers. At work, we are all receiving staff gifts. Lunches. Ice Cream parties. Roaring words of praise. These things are all awesome and definitely appreciated...
I understand the problem originates from elsewhere. I'm just annoyed, deep down inside, past the surface of gratitude.
Well, I have a job interview/audition tomorrow. I'm nervous. Decision-making time.
Then, to make matters worse, a job posted earlier this week that:
1. Is outside of the classroom, but still in education
3. A position devoted to fixing the things in the above yellow box
4. In the town where I live
5. Would be a pay raise. (Woot!)
6. application materials will not be reviewed until May 16.
So what do I do!!!?? I'm hopeful of getting a job offer by the end of the week. *crossing fingers* But do I ask them to wait while I see if I'm contacted regarding the other thing? Two weeks is an excessive amount of time to wait.
#adulting is so hard.
You wait. It's only two weeks. You wait.