Friday, February 17, 2017


I had my 2 year mammogram/boob sandwich X-rays done today.
Old hat.  I've done this before, was in an out in under 30 minutes, with no trauma done.  I know some women are very sore and tender when it comes to this X-ray, but I am not.  Not a big deal at all.  And, I got to go and enjoy the rest of my 70-degree sunny day!
The nurse said the radiologist would read the results on Monday, comparing them to last year's pictures, to see if there are any changes.  If anything causes concern, they will call me to come back for more pictures.  If I don't hear from them, I'll just be receiving a letter in the mail.  And I'll see my surgeon next in April.
I'm not concerned, but there is that little bit of anxiousness lurking in the back of my brain.  I tried to decipher from her face as she was looking from her computer if there was anything weird, but of course, I'm sure they are really good at disguising their facial expressions with this kind of thing.  So, we will see!

I read an article, The Disappearing Educator, today, and related to it in abundance.  Particularly this about trauma, and specifically "secondary trauma":
"[...] it’s no secret that teachers in urban and low-income schools are especially at-risk. The reason why occurred to her at a professional development session she attended to learn about the effects of trauma on kids.
“I thought, Wow, our teachers are experiencing the same ‘symptoms,’ so to speak,” said Giallombardo, president of the Battle Creek Education Association.
After further research she learned there was a name for the phenomenon, secondary trauma, in which people in helping occupations suffer burnout faster—from carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders and being asked to solve problems too big for individuals to fix alone."

Well, that's all my thoughts for today!

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